Thursday, October 14, 2010

Leadership Skills for the 21st Century:

I.                 Five Skills to Create a Better Tomorrow
Ø  Anticipation
Ø  Vision
Ø  Value Congruence
Ø  Empowerment
Ø  Self-Understanding

II.               Establishing the Philosophy and Mission of the School
Ø  The Mission – the direction of our efforts and talents
Ø  The Mission/Philosophy – the Restructuring Process
Ø  Applying Business Principles to the Restructuring Process for schools.  What we believe and therefore what we do:
§  Is what we are doing less than what we really want?
§  Then we have a mandate for change, improvement and a vision.
Ø  Six phases of a project
Ø  Success connection

III.             The Basics of the Change Process
Ø  The Problem-solving Process
Ø  Barriers to change
Ø  Conflict
Ø  Confrontation
Ø  Collaboration

IV.            Logistics and School Restructuring
Ø  Scheduling and reporting basis
Ø  What conditions do I really control?

V.              Teaming and Collaboration
Ø  Co-Teaching NCLB
Ø  Why?
Ø  How?
Ø  What?
Ø  When?

VI.            Academic Instruction – The What and How
Ø  What are we doing to support students having difficulty?
Ø  Curriculum alignment (Teach, test, etc.)
Ø  How can we more effectively involve parents in the child’s learning?
Ø  Why align the curriculum?
Ø  A “J” curve distribution.  The “Did we”?
Ø  Questions to ask:
§  What they need to know?
§  How are we going to teach this?
§  Do they really know it?

VII.           Data Collection/Analysis and Decision Making
Myth:  Schools don’t control the conditions of success.  What conditions do we control?
Ø  Linkage between Mission/Philosophy and Data
Ø  How factual do we know we are good
Ø  “Read ‘em and Weep – The numbers don’t lie”
Ø  WAR – Reports their impact
Ø  NCLB – The easy, effective way to comply

VIII.         Technology
Ø  Technology:  How it changes the school and the way we do business
Ø  Using technology to accomplish age-old educational tenet’s effectiveness:  instant feedback, individualizing instruction, establishing school and community partnerships, communications, diagnosis and prescription of learning/instruction, staff collaboration.
Ø  How technology can be utilized to assist administrators in the development of Individualized Education Plans for students
Ø  How to use technology to assist with NCLB (No Child Left Behind)

IX.            Communicating Education
Ø  Scaling up
Ø  Change
Ø  Replicate
Ø  Expectations
Ø  The “Good News” in a society that loves “Bad News”
Ø  What are the facts according to ETS and how do they compare to the political and media frenzy?
Ø  If you always do what you have done, you will always get what you got.
Ø  Why is it that we never do what we know works?
Ø  What we live – we learn
What we learn – we practice
What we practice – we become
What we become – has consequences

X.              Keynote address:  “You Must Make Music”

XI.            “Seven Kinds of Smart”

XII.           Adaptations, Instructional Approaches and Modifications

XIII.         Integration

XIV.        Cooperative Learning

XV.          Learning Disabilities – Strategies and Adaptations

XVI.        WAR (Weekly Academic Reports)

XVII.      “Tips for Teachers”

XVIII.     Direct Instruction
Ø  Definitions
Ø  Characteristics and Elements
Ø  Feedback and Correctives
Ø  Independent Practice
Ø  Weekly and Monthly Reviews
Ø  Expected Outcomes
Ø  Myths

XIX.        Strategies to Motivate
Ø  Tactics to motivate students for common problems, for most special education exceptionalities and by academic subject area

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