Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Real Education Funding in Pa. 1790 to 2010

My Good night piece of trivia for you all to digest: For all those who want to suggest and believe, how much we are currently over paying for Public Education. State Funding began in 1790 and it covered 20% of the 1940 it reached about 30%. In the 50's when we were scared straight when the Russians launched Sputnik and we had to turn to Public Schools to save our bacon which they  quickly did,  with the help of Dr. Werner Von Braun funding was increased rapidly to 40%.In 1972-73 then things were aslo bleak, we kicked it up to 51% and since that time it has been a steady decline to were it is now 32%. During that decline every Politician{Especially one party in particular} alive kept complaining about how much they were funding Public Ed. So let me get this right with all the unfunded mandates and the States virtual abdication of its responsibilities ; We became the greatest country on the planet at funding levels slightly higher than those of 1790! What am I missing??

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